
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第94页

从严处罚punish with severity;severely punish详细»
从严执法be strict with law enforcement详细»
从严解释原则doctrine of strict construction详细»
从中国境外取得所得的纳税义务人a taxpayer who earns income outside China详细»
从人征税taxation in personam详细»
从价百分比原则ad valorem percentage rule详细»
从价计征关税ad valorem taxation of customs duties详细»
从价进口税ad valorem import duty详细»
从债accessory debt;secondary liability详细»
从值税ad valorem duty;tax ad valorem详细»
从公共场所转移物品罪crime of removal of articles from public places详细»
从刑并科combined sentence of supplementary punishment详细»
从参加人accessory intervenor;secondary intervenor详细»
从坐be punished for being related to an offender;punishment of those related to an offender详细»
从契约accessory contract详细»
从宽处理be lenient towards;handle leniently;treaty with lenicney详细»
从宽监管liberal control in prison详细»
从宽解释原则doctrine of liberal construction详细»
从属专利dependent patent;patent dependent详细»
从属于法律的文件document subordinate to law详细»
从属于法律的非规范性文件disnormative document subordinate to law详细»
从属侵权secondary infringement;secondary tort详细»
从属债务人accessory debtor详细»
从属关系subordinate relationship详细»
从属性合同accessory contract详细»
从属性立法subordinate legislation详细»
从属扣押物second distress详细»
从属权项dependent claim详细»
从属用益权accessory use详细»