
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第100页

信托保证金,信托金,信托存款trust deposit详细»
信托债券trust bonds详细»
信托公司trust company;safe company详细»
信托凭证,信托证券certificate of trust详细»
信托动产movable property in trust详细»
信托单位trust unit详细»
信托受益人trust beneficiary;beneficiary详细»
信托周转基金trust revolving fund详细»
信托咨询公司trust consultancy corporation详细»
信托商店管理management of commission shops详细»
信托基金帐户trust fund account详细»
信托基金拨款trust fund appropriations详细»
信托契据deed of trust;trust deed;trust indenture详细»
信托帐户account in trust;closing the trustee''s books;trust account详细»
信托手续trust process详细»
信托投资业务trust and investment business详细»
信托放款outside loan详细»
信托服务公司trust service corporation详细»
信托职能trust function详细»
信托证书trust instrument;trust certificate详细»
信托财产fiduciary estate;trust estate;trust property详细»
信托财产的指定继承人trust remainder详细»
信托费trust fee;trust charge详细»
信托资产收益受益人cestui que trust详细»
信托资金money in trust;trust fund详细»
信托金库trust fund bureau详细»
信托银行业务trust banking详细»
信汇letter of remittance;mail remittance;mail transfer (MT);letter transfer详细»
信汇汇率rate of mail transfer;mail transfer rate;MT rate详细»