
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第105页

修正收益adjusted earnings详细»
修正期correction period详细»
修正条款amending clause详细»
修正浮动汇率制modified system of flexible exchange rate详细»
修正申报表amended return详细»
修正财务报表adjusted financial statement详细»
修正通知书notice of adjustment详细»
修理、维修、折旧基金法repair,maintenance and depreciation fund method详细»
修理免税额repair allowance详细»
修理劳动量定额quota for repair labor详细»
修理成本,修缮成本repairing cost;repair cost;cost of repairs详细»
修理费均衡准备,修理费平衡准备repairs equalization reserve详细»
修理间隔期repair interval详细»
修缮成本repair cost详细»
修缮用品,修缮用物料operating and maintenance supplies详细»
修船repair a ship详细»
修订报价change in offer详细»
修订美国对外贸易定义(1941)Revised American Foreign Trade Definition,1941详细»
俱乐部贷款club loan详细»
倒利息,倒收付息negative interest详细»
倒填日期的提单antedated bills of lading详细»
倒填日期的票据antedated bill详细»
倒手买卖turn;round transaction;trip详细»
倒扣盈利plow back the earnings详细»
倒挂市场inverse market详细»
倒班费shift differential详细»
倒算入帐back value详细»
倒轧成本法reversal cost method详细»
倒转市场inverted market详细»
倒闭率mortality rate of (small businesses)详细»