
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第101页

信用交易transaction with credit;credit transaction;deal on credit;on credit;credit deal详细»
信用产生,信用创造credit creation详细»
信用人寿保险[借款人死亡时,应将赔偿金付给放款人]credit life insurance详细»
信用保证债券guaranteed bonds详细»
信用保证金额credit amount详细»
信用保险单credit policy;honor policy详细»
信用借款debt of honor;character loan;open fiduciary loan;fiduciary loan详细»
信用债券持有人debenture holder详细»
信用分类credit classification详细»
信用卡credit card详细»
信用卡财务费credit card finance charges详细»
信用危机credit crisis详细»
信用受让人grantee of credit详细»
信用合作社credit cooperative;credit union;loan society详细»
信用基础basis of credit详细»
信用备谘,信用备询credit reference详细»
信用媒介fiduciary media详细»
信用往来open credit详细»
信用投资fiduciary contribution详细»
信用报告机构credit reporting agencies详细»
信用担保代理人del credere agent详细»
信用换汇credit swap详细»
信用放款straight loan;credit loan;loan without security;unsecured loan;fiduciary loan详细»
信用条件,信用证条件terms of credit详细»
信用汇票credit bill详细»
信用目的资产负债表审计balance sheet audit for credit purpose详细»
信用票据credit note;credit instruments;blank credit;credit papers;clean bill详细»
信用等级credit rating详细»
信用组合credit union详细»