
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第104页

信贷的层层加大pyramid of credit详细»
信贷监督credit supervision详细»
信贷管制法credit control act详细»
信贷经理credit manager详细»
信贷节制,信贷限制credit restraint;credit restriction;restriction of credit详细»
信贷费用finance charge详细»
信贷资本credit capital详细»
信贷部credit department详细»
信贷银行credit bank;Kredietbank NV详细»
信贷限额high credit;credit limit;line of credit详细»
信贷需要credit requirement详细»
信贷风险,信用风险credit risk详细»
修剪融资[证券抵押]hair cut finance详细»
修匀值smoothed value详细»
修改信用证申请书application for amendment of letter of credit详细»
修改到期日承兑qualified acceptance as to time详细»
修改合同revision of contract;amendment of contract;revise a contract详细»
修改备件清单adjustment of a list of spare parts详细»
修改手续费amendment commission详细»
修改通知书amendment advice详细»
修正价值adjusted value详细»
修正价格的公式price revision formula详细»
修正估税表amended declaration详细»
修正分项扣减adjusted itemized deduction详细»
修正印鉴amendment to authorized signatures详细»
修正后的预算revised budget详细»
修正售价adjusted selling price详细»
修正基数adjusted basis详细»
修正总所得adjusted gross income详细»