
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第103页

信用金earnest money;earnest详细»
信用额度,信用限额credit line;limit of credit;line of credit详细»
信用风险保险credit risk insurance详细»
信誉借款debt of honor详细»
信誉良好的企业business of good standing详细»
信贷,信用credit;credit and loan详细»
信贷中心credit center详细»
信贷交易credit transactions详细»
信贷价值,信贷信用credit standing;credit worthiness详细»
信贷使用availment of credit详细»
信贷保证credit guarantee详细»
信贷公司finance company详细»
信贷协会credit union详细»
信贷协定credit agreement详细»
信贷发行issuing credit;credit issue详细»
信贷员loan teller;loan officer详细»
信贷安全系数safety factor详细»
信贷市场,信用市场credit market详细»
信贷帐上结余额balance of a credit account详细»
信贷帐记录程序procedure of keeping a credit account详细»
信贷总规模scale of credit详细»
信贷所credit society详细»
信贷担保credit guarantee;guarantee for loans详细»
信贷援助credit aid详细»
信贷收支平衡balance between income and payment in credit operations;balance between credits and payments;credit receipts and payments详细»
信贷方针credit extending policy详细»
信贷机构credit institutions详细»
信贷条件credit terms详细»
信贷核对credit verification详细»