
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第21页

停航退费lay-up refund详细»
停薪留职remaining at post without wage;leave without pay详细»
停车保险waiting insurance详细»
停运stoppage in transit详细»
停靠泊位moor (to);berth详细»
停顿stand idle详细»
健全各种管理规章和责任制度improve the rules and regulations for management and the system of responsibility详细»
健全财务sound finance详细»
健康保险理事会Health Insurance Council详细»
健康保险费用health insurance premium;health insurance expense详细»
健康险health insurance详细»
偶发资产contingent asset详细»
偶日记帐even daybook详细»
偶然损耗random depletion详细»
偶然的价格变动accidental price changes详细»
偶生成本nonrecurring cost详细»
偶生收益nonrecurring income详细»
偷工work performed without the necessary diligence详细»
偷税漏税,偷税evade paying taxes;tax evasion;evade taxes详细»
偷税漏税行为ways of going about tax evasion;tax evaders and dodgers详细»
偷窃险和提货不着险risks of theft,pilferage and nondelivery (TPND)详细»
偿付代理行reimbursing agent详细»
偿付信贷reimbursement credit详细»
偿付债务payment of debts详细»
偿付力比率liquidity ratio详细»
偿付开支meet expense详细»
偿付授权书reimbursement authorization详细»
偿付期限payback time详细»
偿付汇票,偿还汇票reimbursement draft详细»
偿付票据payment of a note详细»