
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第79页

休假工资holiday pay;vacation pay详细»
休假日程表leave schedule详细»
休病假take a sick leave详细»
优先买下股权have the priority for buying the share详细»
优先保证资金priority be given to guarantee funds详细»
优先债券,优先证券senior securities;preference bond;underlying bond详细»
优先债权privileged debts详细»
优先偿付preferential payments详细»
优先关系precedence relationship;dominance relation详细»
优先分配股息的优先股stock preferred as to dividends详细»
优先分配资产的优先股stock preferred as to assets详细»
优先承运方案cargo preference schemes详细»
优先抵押债券first mortgage bond;senior mortgage详细»
优先收入preferred income详细»
优先权priority;preferential right;right of priority;first refusal of (the lease of a house);right of first refusal;underlying right;prior right;priority right详细»
优先检验precedence test详细»
优先次序的评定priority rating详细»
优先的索赔要求claim of priority详细»
优先筹措工业结构改造资金preferential financing for reshaping industrial structure详细»
优先股(本)preference share;preferred capital stock;capital stock preferred;preferred stock;senior security;preferential share;prior stock详细»
优先股回收基金preference sinking fund;preferred stock sinking fund详细»
优先股息preferred dividend详细»
优先股息保障率preferred dividend coverage详细»
优先股成本cost of preferred stock详细»
优先股股东权益preferred stockholders'' equity详细»
优先要求precedence requirement详细»
优先资本preference capital;senior capital详细»
优先选择give preference to;preference详细»
优先雇用preferential hiring详细»