
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第75页

价格变动幅度,价格幅度price range详细»
价格变动调整adjustment for price fluctuations详细»
价格向价值靠拢approximation of prices to values详细»
价格差别price discrimination;price differences详细»
价格差异化price differentiation详细»
价格差益price margin详细»
价格差距过大wide price详细»
价格幅度内价格price within the price range详细»
价格弹性price elasticity;price flexibility详细»
价格形成过程price formation process详细»
价格成本压力price cost squeeze详细»
价格折扣price markdown price rebate;reduction in the price;discount from the price详细»
价格折算消胀指数price deflator;deflator详细»
价格拍卖法price auctions详细»
价格放开prices float freely详细»
价格普遍偏低prices ruled low详细»
价格暴涨flare-up in prices;spurt in prices详细»
价格术语terminology of price;terms of price详细»
价格机制的运转费用operational expenses of the price mechanism详细»
价格条件price terms;price condition;terms of price详细»
价格构成price formation;price composition;component of price;price structure详细»
价格构成部分constituent parts of price详细»
价格标度,价格标准standard of price详细»
价格核算calculation of prices;computation of prices详细»
价格比较price comparison详细»
价格波动fluctuation in prices详细»
价格浮动准备price fluctuation reserve详细»
价格疲软price in easy;weak详细»
价格看涨upward price trend详细»