
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第77页

仿冒palming off;passing off详细»
企业上缴利润递增包干complete responsibility of profits increasingly turned over to the state by enterprises详细»
企业会计enterprise accounting;business accounting;private accounting详细»
企业估价appraisal of business详细»
企业债务enterprise debt详细»
企业全部费用outright cost of an enterprise详细»
企业兼并business combinations详细»
企业内部待工制waiting for employment within an enterprise详细»
企业内部经济合同economic contracts within an enterprise详细»
企业内部经济责任制economic responsibility system within an enterprise;system of the economic responsibilities within an enterprise详细»
企业分部的财务报告financial reporting for segments of business enterprise详细»
企业利润分析analysis of business profits详细»
企业利润总额gross profits of enterprises详细»
企业合并combination of enterprises;amalgamation;business combination;business merger;integration详细»
企业合并差益surplus from consolidation;profit from consolidation详细»
企业合并时会计处理的购入法purchase method of accounting详细»
企业固定资金fixed capital of enterprise详细»
企业增雇工人税优惠job development credit详细»
企业实体原则business entity principle详细»
企业并合差益surplus from merged company;profit from merger详细»
企业成本business cost;cost in business;enterprise cost;private cost详细»
企业所得税business income tax;corporate income tax详细»
企业投入产出表input-output graph of enterprise详细»
企业折旧基金depreciation funds earmarked for enterprises详细»
企业收入receipts from enterprises;revenue详细»
企业未合并前销售利润profit on sales prior to acquisition详细»
企业核算business calculation;enterprise accounting详细»
企业清算基础gone concern;liquidation basis详细»
企业生产费用production expenses of enterprises详细»