
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第119页

作业控制系统production control system详细»
作业班work team详细»
作业程序operating procedure详细»
作业组work group详细»
作业计划operation schedule;production plan详细»
作为与不作为之债obligation to do or not to do详细»
作为的合法行为positive lawful act详细»
作价evaluate;fix a price for sth.详细»
作价补偿compensation by conversion into cash payment详细»
作伪证foreswear oneself;give false testimony;perjure;purjury;foresworn;purjurious详细»
作保be one''s guarantor;go bail for sb.详细»
作假counterfeit;falsify;play tricks详细»
作假见证bear false as witness;give false as witness详细»
作准定本certified text详细»
作准文字authentic language详细»
作出不利于原告的判决find against the plaintiff详细»
作出最后决定find;give a final decision详细»
作出有利于原告的判决find for the plaintiff详细»
作品原件所有权ownership of the original copy详细»
作品原件的财产权property right of the original copy详细»
作品载体carrier of works详细»
作奸犯科commit offenses against law and discipline;violate the law and commit crimes详细»
作废become invalid;cancel;invalidate;nullify;annulment;cancellation;desuetude;nullification;invalid;null and void详细»
作废股forfeited stock详细»
作成拒付或拒绝承兑证书的期限time limit for notice of dishonor详细»
作战区combat zone;operational zone;zone of combat;zone of operation详细»
作战地带war zone详细»
作战手段means of warfare详细»
作战物资implements of war详细»