
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第117页

位置报告reporting point;reporting position详细»
低于票面价格below par详细»
低价售卖令venditioni exponas详细»
低层级法律规范legal norm of low levels详细»
低息贷款low-interest loan详细»
低收入国家和地区low-income countries and regions详细»
低水位标记low-water mark详细»
低潮标low water mark详细»
低潮高地low tide elevation详细»
低租住房low-income housing详细»
低级公职人员lower office holder详细»
低级法院inferior court;court ad quo详细»
低阶层文化论theory of lower class culture详细»
低额定价法penetration pricing详细»
住宅不受侵犯inviolability of the residence详细»
住宅小区residential district;residential quarter详细»
住宅建筑互助会building society详细»
住宅担保项目housing guarantee program;residential guarantee program详细»
住宅税inhabited house duty详细»
住宿登记表registration form of accommodation详细»
住庙道姑Taoist priest who lives in the temple详细»
住房建筑计划housing project详细»
住房支出财政补贴grants-in-aid for housing详细»
住所berth;domicile;dwelling place详细»
住所地place of domicile详细»
住所地法lex domicilii详细»
住所地的消极冲突negative conflict of place of domicile详细»
住所的防卫权defense of domicile详细»
住用合同contract for actual use of real properties详细»