翻译 | 详细 |
侨资capital from overseas Chinese;overseas Chinese capital | 详细» |
侮辱disparage;humiliate;insult;disparage;humiliation;insult;humiliating;injurious;insulting | 详细» |
侮辱他人的人格和名誉insult the human dignity and reputation of another | 详细» |
侮辱信仰及宗教团体罪crime of insulting belief or religious organizations | 详细» |
侮辱国旗罪crime of insulting the national flag;crime against the national flag | 详细» |
侮辱性言行insolence | 详细» |
侮辱的言行indignity | 详细» |
侮辱罪crime of insulting another | 详细» |
侮辱诽谤国家元首罪crime of insulting or slandering the head of state | 详细» |
侵入他人住宅者trespasser | 详细» |
侵入住宅罪trespass to residence | 详细» |
侵入私地intrusion;quare clausum fregit | 详细» |
侵占disseise;disseize;encroach;misappropriate;seize;usurp;conversion;disseisin;disseizin;encroachment;expropriation;misappropriation;seizure;usurpation;invade and occupy | 详细» |
侵占他人权益encroach upon the interest of another;interlope | 详细» |
侵占他人财产之诉trespass de bonis asportatis | 详细» |
侵占侵害赔偿conversion damages | 详细» |
侵占公有土地encroach upon public land;seize public land | 详细» |
侵占动产conversion | 详细» |
侵占罪criminal offense of embezzlement;criminal offense of misappropriation | 详细» |
侵吞embezzle;misappropriate;peculate;embezzlement;misappropriation;peculation;annex;swallow up | 详细» |
侵吞公款者defalcator | 详细» |
侵吞国家财产罪crime of embezzling state property | 详细» |
侵吞行为act of embezzling;act of misappropriating | 详细» |
侵夺不动产罪disseisin;disseizin | 详细» |
侵害不动产trespass of real property | 详细» |
侵害人性尊严罪infringement on the dignity of human personality | 详细» |
侵害公产purpresture;purprision | 详细» |
侵害公民人身自由的赔偿compensation for invasion of a citizen''s right to the freedom of the person;compensation for trespass to a citizen''s person | 详细» |
侵害动产trespass to chattels | 详细» |
侵害土地trespass to land | 详细» |