翻译 | 详细 |
依遗嘱继承testamentary succession | 详细» |
依遗嘱而取得的监护权tutorship by will | 详细» |
依靠社会力量改造原则principle of depending on social power | 详细» |
侥幸合同aleatory contract | 详细» |
侦detect;investigate;scout | 详细» |
侦察卫星reconnaissance satellite;spy satellite | 详细» |
侦探小说crime novel;detective fiction;detective story | 详细» |
侦查人员inquiring officer;investigation personnel | 详细» |
侦查假定investigational hypothesis | 详细» |
侦查判断investigation judgment | 详细» |
侦查实验investigative test | 详细» |
侦查对象investigative target | 详细» |
侦查推理calculation of investigation;investigation reasoning | 详细» |
侦查方法methods of investigation | 详细» |
侦查机关investigative organ;organ of investigation | 详细» |
侦查权、检察权、审判权由专门机关行使的原则principle of exercising the powers of investigation;prosecution and adjudication by specialized organs | 详细» |
侦查程序procedure of investigation | 详细» |
侦查管辖jurisdiction of investigation | 详细» |
侦查终结报告report upon conclusion of investigation | 详细» |
侦查羁押期限time limit of custodial investigation;time limit of investigation and custody | 详细» |
侦查计划investigation plan | 详细» |
侦破detect;investigate and uncover;solve | 详细» |
侦缉track down and arrest | 详细» |
侧面像profile;portrait in profile | 详细» |
侧面进攻flank attack | 详细» |
侨办overseas Chinese affairs office | 详细» |
侨务办公室overseas Chinese affairs office | 详细» |
侨居国country of residence;host country | 详细» |
侨民法alien act | 详细» |
侨汇券overseas remittance certificate;overseas remittance coupon | 详细» |