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法学专业汉英词典 第106页

企业劳动人事制度business labor and personnel system;enterprise labor and personnel system详细»
企业卫生法规regulations on enterprise sanitation详细»
企业变更alteration of an enterprise;change of an enterprise详细»
企业名称business name;enterprise name;name of an enterprise详细»
企业名称专用权的国际保护international protection of the right to exclusive use of enterprise names详细»
企业名称登记主管机关administrative organ for registration of enterprise names;competent authorities for registration of enterprise names详细»
企业名称预先核准通知书notice for beforehand examination and approval of enterprise names详细»
企业国际化经营战略strategy of internationalizing enterprise operations详细»
企业外部公共关系external public relations详细»
企业奖金税bonus tax for enterprises详细»
企业安全生产法规regulations governing safety of enterprise production详细»
企业工会enterprise union;trade unions in enterprises详细»
企业工会委员会trade union committee of an enterprise详细»
企业常用技术经济指标techno-economic indicators of an enterprise详细»
企业开办establishment of an enterprise;opening of an enterprise详细»
企业形象corporate identity;corporate image详细»
企业总体经营战略overall strategy of an enterprise详细»
企业战略评估evaluation and review of enterprise strategy详细»
企业所得税business income tax;corporate income tax详细»
企业所有权与经营权的分开separation of enterprise ownership from managerial authority详细»
企业承包合同agreement on contracting an enterprise详细»
企业承包经营合同agreement on contracted responsibility for business operations;contract for undertaking business operations详细»
企业技术开发能力technical development capacity of enterprise详细»
企业技术进步评价evaluation of technical progress in an enterprise详细»
企业投资enterprise investment详细»
企业招标承包经营合同agreement on contracted business operation through bidding详细»
企业效益机制enterprise efficiency mechanism详细»
企业文化corporate culture详细»
企业普法教育dissemination of fundamental knowledge of law in enterprises详细»
企业权利corporate right;right of enterprises详细»