
商务专业汉英词典 商务专业英语词典 商务英语词典 商务英语词汇 商务专业词典 商务英语专业词典

商务专业汉英词典 第123页

价值指标value indicator;cost index详细»
价值损耗loss of value;loss in value;value loss详细»
价值改善value improvement详细»
价值效用说utility theory of value详细»
价值标准standard of value;measure of value详细»
价值满足感value satisfactions详细»
价值生产力value productivity详细»
价值的外在表现external expression of value详细»
价值的生产成本说cost of production theory of value详细»
价值的货币形态money form of value详细»
价值相对表现relative expression of value详细»
价值等式equation of value详细»
价值系统value system详细»
价值累加论value-added theory详细»
价值补偿制度value compensation system详细»
价值表现的两极two poles of the expression of value详细»
价值被表现的商品commodity whose value is being expressed详细»
价值观的判断values approach详细»
价值规律外因论theory of the external origin of the law of value详细»
价值规律的节约时间的作用function of the law of value in the economic use of time详细»
价值规律运行机制operative mechanism of the law of value详细»
价值计划value plan详细»
价值证明书certificate of value详细»
价值货币表现的商品价格commodity price as a monetary expression of value详细»
价值转形value transfromation详细»
价值量magnitude of value;sum of the values详细»
价值革命value revolution详细»
价外税taxes not included in the calculated prices详细»