
商务专业汉英词典 商务专业英语词典 商务英语词典 商务英语词汇 商务专业词典 商务英语专业词典

商务专业汉英词典 第122页

仲裁条款arbitration clause;compromise clause;arbitral clause[合同的]详细»
仲裁法arbitration law;arbitration act详细»
仲裁法庭arbitral tribunal;court of arbitration;arbitration court;arbitration tribunal详细»
仲裁程序arbitration proceedings;arbitral procedure详细»
仲裁程序进行仲裁(accept the) arbitration procedure详细»
仲裁税支出expenses on arbitration fee详细»
仲裁规则arbitration rules详细»
仲裁费用arbitration expenses;arbitration fees;expenses on arbitration详细»
仲裁过程,仲裁工作arbitration proceedings详细»
仲裁问题特设工作小组Ad Hoc Working Group on Arbitration详细»
件号,件数bale number;package number;case number详细»
价值交易矩阵value transaction matrix详细»
价值体(figures in the expression of value of the linen,as an equivalent,and consequently,as a) thing that is value详细»
价值储存,价值储存手段store of value详细»
价值决定determination of value详细»
价值分析员administrator of value analysis详细»
价值剪刀差scissors difference of value详细»
价值单位unit of value详细»
价值回归分析中的分布曲线图scatter chart详细»
价值增值increase in value;increment of value详细»
价值定向value orientation详细»
价值实现的扣除deductions in the realization of value详细»
价值对象性reality of value;(inform us that its sublime) reality as value;value objectification详细»
价值属性property of value详细»
价值工程分析value engineering analysis详细»
价值差异value variance详细»
价值平均化运动movement towards equalization of value详细»
价值形式value forms详细»
价值承担者,价值担负物carrier of value;depository of value详细»