
商务专业汉英词典 商务专业英语词典 商务英语词典 商务英语词汇 商务专业词典 商务英语专业词典

商务专业汉英词典 第124页

价廉物品small price for a good article;less expensive,higher quality goods;cheaper and better goods;goods in attractive price and quality详细»
价格-收益比率price-earning ratio;PE ratio详细»
价格上涨price hikes;strengthen;price rise;rise in price详细»
价格下落reduction in (of) price详细»
价格下降sink in price详细»
价格下限price floor详细»
价格不真实市场false market详细»
价格不能与同业竞争price not competitive详细»
价格伸缩性price flexibility;flexibility of price详细»
价格体制改革price restructuring;price structure reform详细»
价格保证制度[英国]price guarantees详细»
价格倒挂price inversion详细»
价格公开制度open-price system详细»
价格具结price undertakings详细»
价格决定price determination;price decision;determination of price详细»
价格决定者,价格决定人price maker;price setter详细»
价格减缩因子implicit price deflator详细»
价格制定者price setter详细»
价格剪刀差price scissors differential;price scissors between;scissors movement of prices;scissors difference between prices;prices scissors详细»
价格包括the price includes详细»
价格协定price cartel详细»
价格单纯形price simplex详细»
价格及黄金流动机制price-specie-flow mechanism;price specie mechanism详细»
价格变动change of prices;price variation;price changes;price fluctuations详细»
价格变动幅度,价格幅度price range详细»
价格变动显著的物品noticeably fluctuationg goods详细»
价格变动调整adjustment for price fluctuations详细»
价格合约price contract详细»
价格向量price vector详细»