
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第107页

企业标准enterprise standard详细»
企业法人business corporation;business entity;economic juridical person;incorporated enterprise详细»
企业法人债权creditor''s rights of a business corporation详细»
企业法人破产还债程序procedure of bankruptcy liquidation of a business corporation详细»
企业法人被宣告破产a bankrupt business corporation;a business corporation declared bankruptcy详细»
企业法律事务legal affairs of an enterprise详细»
企业法律顾问corporate counsel;legal adviser of an enterprise详细»
企业注册资金registered capital of an enterprise详细»
企业流动资金核定verification of circulating fund of an enterprise详细»
企业涉外经营决策decision-making in foreign operations of enterprises详细»
企业环境enterprise environment详细»
企业留利profits retained by enterprises详细»
企业登记business registration;enterprise registration详细»
企业登记年检制度system of annual survey on business registrations详细»
企业知名度recognition of an enterprise;reputation of an enterprise详细»
企业破产法corporate bankruptcy law详细»
企业福利enterprise welfare详细»
企业租赁制enterprise leasing system详细»
企业租赁合同纠纷案件controversy over a contract for leasing enterprises详细»
企业移民business migration详细»
企业税收征管制度system for the control of enterprise taxation详细»
企业竞争competition among enterprises详细»
企业管理business management;enterprise management详细»
企业管理民主化democratization of enterprise management详细»
企业组织business organization详细»
企业经济性质economic nature of an enterprise详细»
企业经济责任制system of the economic responsibilities of enterprise详细»
企业经营方式enterprise management model详细»
企业经营管理制度system of corporate operation and management详细»
企业经营责任制responsibility system of enterprises详细»