翻译 | 详细 |
以现值表示的国民生产总值money GNP (gross national product) | 详细» |
以电话做上市股票的投机性交易的处所boiler room | 详细» |
以盈余偿还的长期债务funded debt retired from surplus | 详细» |
以目标为中心goal-orientation | 详细» |
以知识为基础的假定knowledge-based assumption | 详细» |
以租入财产担保的公司债bond secured by leased property | 详细» |
以第三者为托运人third party shipper | 详细» |
以管理是否能控制为基础,以行政是否能控制为基础base of administrative control | 详细» |
以粮为纲、全面发展、因地制宜、适当集中taking grain as the key link,ensuring an all-around development,and putting appropriate emphasis on certain lines of production according to local conditions | 详细» |
以纸币计算的商品价格commodity prices calculated in currency | 详细» |
以结节代表作业activity on-node | 详细» |
以美元计算的dollar-wise | 详细» |
以美国为权数的几何平均指数geometric mean of U.S. weighted index | 详细» |
以美国支出为权数U.S. expenditure weight | 详细» |
以股息方式摊还资本capital returned to stockholders in dividends | 详细» |
以股票支付的股息dividend payable in capital stock | 详细» |
以背书转让期票endorse a bill;indorse a bill | 详细» |
以船作抵押的借款bottomry | 详细» |
以色列银行Bank of Israel | 详细» |
以获有舱位为条件subject to shipping space available | 详细» |
以行政记录为基础的人口普查register-based population census | 详细» |
以补充点为基准的订货方式replenishment-based ordering system | 详细» |
以装运重量为准shipped weight final | 详细» |
以记帐支付的支票check payable in account | 详细» |
以证券为担保的借款人giver-on | 详细» |
以调解方式解决分歧settle the difference in an amicable way | 详细» |
以货币计算in terms of money;in money terms | 详细» |
以货抵债cessio bonorum | 详细» |
以购货人为受货人consigned to buyer;unto buyer | 详细» |
以超越进度表的速度工作meet a schedule at an earlier date | 详细» |