
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第110页

优先抵押权first mortgage详细»
优先普通股票preferred ordinary share;preferred ordinary stock详细»
优先权原则doctrine of priority详细»
优先权日期priority date详细»
优先权证明书fee for the proof of priority详细»
优先留置权first lien;paramount lien详细»
优先给付preferential payment详细»
优先股东preferred shareholder;preferred stockholder详细»
优先股利dividend on preferred stock;preferred dividend详细»
优先装运shipment by first opportunity详细»
优先购买权option to purchase;preemption;preemptive right;right of preemption详细»
优先购买权请求人preemption claimant详细»
优势条件说theory of prior condition详细»
优化产业结构optimize the industrial structure详细»
优化劳动组合optimal reorganization of the work force;optimization grouping of the workforce详细»
优惠关税preferential duty;preferential tariff详细»
优惠利率preferential interest rate详细»
优惠原产地preferential origin详细»
优惠原产地证明书preferential certificate of origin详细»
优惠国favored nation详细»
优惠差额margin of preference详细»
优惠日期days of grace详细»
优惠条件concessional terms;favorable condition;favorable terms详细»
优惠税率preferential rate of duty;preferential tariff详细»
优惠贸易安排preferential trade arrangement详细»
优抚对象people subject to special care given to servicemen and the family members of revolutionary martyrs and servicemen详细»
优秀工作者excellent worker;outstanding worker详细»
优育rear better children详细»