
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第108页

企业结构分化differentiation of enterprise lineup;enterprise structure differentiation详细»
企业群体a cluster of enterprises详细»
企业职代会congress of enterprise staff and workers详细»
企业职工奖励制度system for awarding enterprise staff and workers详细»
企业职工行政处分administrative measures for enterprise staff and workers详细»
企业股enterprise-owned share;corporate share;corporate stock详细»
企业自主经营权power of operational decisions of enterprises详细»
企业行为enterprise behavior详细»
企业行为约束机制restraint mechanism of enterprise behavior详细»
企业行政领导enterprise executives详细»
企业规章制度enterprise rules and systems详细»
企业设立核准制system of examination and approval for the formation of enterprises详细»
企业调整adjustment of enterprises详细»
企业财产business property;corporate property;enterprise property详细»
企业财产投保单insurance application for corporate properties详细»
企业财产管理法规regulations on the management of corporate properties详细»
企业财务包干full financial responsibility within an enterprise详细»
企业责任条款enterprise liability clause详细»
企业质量体系认证证书paper of certification for enterprise quality regime详细»
企业资产经营责任合同contract for responsibility in the management of business assets详细»
企业道德enterprise ethics详细»
企业重要制度的审查同意或否决权power to examine important corporate regimes for approval or veto详细»
企业间承包inter-enterprise contracting详细»
企业防火防爆prevention of fires and explosions in enterprises详细»
企业预算拨款制enterprise budget allocation system详细»
企事业单位enterprises and institutions;enterprises or institutions详细»
企事业单位工作人员致人损害纠纷案件controversy over injuries caused by workers and staff members of enterprises or institutions详细»
企图伤害和殴打assault and battery详细»
企图加害have designs against详细»
伊斯兰中世纪法Medieval Islamic law详细»