翻译 | 详细 |
传染病人infectious victim | 详细» |
传染病监测monitoring of infectious diseases | 详细» |
传染病管理行政复议administrative review in management of contagious diseases | 详细» |
传真检认facsimile probate | 详细» |
传票citation;formal summons;monition;process;subpoena;summons;writ | 详细» |
传票登记册process roll | 详细» |
传票退还日return day | 详细» |
传票送达员process server | 详细» |
传统习惯traditional customs | 详细» |
传统制classical system | 详细» |
传统捕鱼权traditional fishing right | 详细» |
传统法治traditional rule of law | 详细» |
传统边界线customary boundary line | 详细» |
传讯令warrant of summons;Writ of Summons to Parliament | 详细» |
传讯罪犯call upon a prisoner | 详细» |
传证人出庭summon a witness;subpoena a witness | 详细» |
传达communicate;convey;pass on;relay;transmit;usher;communication;conveyance;transmission | 详细» |
传达指示communicate instructions | 详细» |
传送convey;deliver;transmit;;conveyance;transmission | 详细» |
传递deliver;hand down;pass on;transfer;transmit;transfer;transmission | 详细» |
传闻不是证据Heresay is no evidence. | 详细» |
传闻证据hearsay;hearsay evidence;second-hand evidence | 详细» |
伤亡事故casualty accident;injury and fatal accident | 详细» |
伤亡名单list of casualties;loss list | 详细» |
伤亡补偿金compensation for injury or death | 详细» |
伤口cut;wound | 详细» |
伤害他人身体injure the person of another | 详细» |
伤害尊亲属罪bodily injuring lineal ascendants | 详细» |
伤害罪bodily injury;crime of injury;crime of wounding | 详细» |
伤害致残wounding and maiming | 详细» |