
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第114页

伤底floor of the wound详细»
伤残保健金health subsidies for the wounded and disabled详细»
伤残军人等级评定grading of the wounded and disabled servicemen详细»
伤残抚恤金wound and disability pension详细»
伤残等级degree of disability;grading of the wounded and disabled;grading of maim详细»
伤残评定委员会committee for grading of wound and disability from military services详细»
伦敦市法院开庭期guildhall sitting详细»
伦敦标准钻井驳船一切险保险Lloyd''s Standard Drilling Barge Form -- All Risks详细»
伦理准则codes of ethics详细»
伦理法律文化ethical culture of law详细»
伪伤simulation of injury详细»
伪供false testimony详细»
伪劣商品犯罪crimes relating to fake or inferior commodities详细»
伪币bogus currency;counterfeit coin;counterfeit money;spurious coin详细»
伪满政权puppet Manchurian regime详细»
伪装现场disguised scene;forged scene详细»
伪装的民事行为juristic act in disguise详细»
伪誓false oath;false swearing;hard swearing;perjury;;perjurious详细»
伪证件perjurous document;spurious document详细»
伪证罪crime of perjury;crime of giving false evidence or testimony详细»
伪造、倒卖计划供应票证罪crime of forging and reselling coupons and tickets of planned supply详细»
伪造、变造信用证或者附随的单据文件的犯罪crimes committed by forging or mutilating letters of redit or documents and papers attached详细»
伪造、变造金融票据罪crime of forging or mutilating financial instruments详细»
伪造信用卡falsify credit cards详细»
伪造入帐false entry;falsified entry详细»
伪造公文、证件、印章行为act of falsifying of official documents;credentials or seals;forgery of official documents;credentials and seals详细»